– 食糧を確保が難しい
– 農業による収入が少なく、かつ食糧のために支出する必要がある
In 2016, we conducted a survey in Gembe, Mbita, Homa Bay County, Kenya, and we observed that the average income of families with children in primary education was around ¥3200 (2878 Kenyan Shillings). Furthermore, 15 out of 99 families were earning an income from agriculture, with the average income from agriculture being around 800 Kenyan Shillings, only 28% of the average total income.
A low agricultural production leads to decreased food security, with agricultural income also falling which is further exacerbated with the increased need of expenditure on food products
When children are malnourished, their immune systems are weakened, increasing the possibility of contracting diseases, as well as reports claiming malnutrition affecting long term educational or income levels.
Additionally, when adequate levels of food is not available, there is a higher risk of HIV positive patients to stop taking antiretroviral drugs, allowing viruses to become more resistant to the drug.
Furthermore, when income decreases as a result of low agricultural production, disposable income falls, and thus families become more vulnerable to droughts or environmental hazard which can lead to sharp rises to food prices.
In the research conducted in Gembe, one of the questions asked was whether ‘In the last 5 months, because of low income conditions, we were unable to pay for basic necessities’ and 55.6% of families answered ‘Often’. On the contrary, in different areas in Homa Bay County, the average was 29.6%, illustrating the adverse conditions in Gembe.
Moreover, 96% of families had children who were denied admission to schools because of them being unable to cover the school fees.
PLAS strives to combat these issues, through providing training and necessary infrastructure, fostering the families’ independence in agricultural work, as well as training their finance and health management abilities, aiming to improve living standards of families.